Who the heck are YOu???

Who the heck are YOu?

Your probably asking yourself if you don’t know me. Well my name is Natasha, but most people call me Tasha. So Why the heck am I doing a Blog & Mom about what for? My 21 year old daughter ask me today sounding mighty judgy if I might add. Well I’m 45 years old women and been through a lot STUFF & I think I know some STUFF, but I still have PROBLEMZ. Like all women, but up until recently I thought I was alone. I was looking at a Facebook post & a women had a random comment that she put in a natural hair group and boom over 1000 reply’s of Women giving opinions & stories & advice & support. Mind you the comment had nothing to do with hair. As women we need that support and sometimes it can come from a village of strangers. So I decided to build one feel free to join I would love to have you!


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