Am I making the Rite Decision?

This week a Sis came too me torn with a decision made to leave her relationship. The Story From Sis; I've been in a relationship with my boyfriend for several years now & I honestly love him, but my family hates him. Though there are several valid reasons for their dislike of him, it doesn't change my heart. I gave up my relationship for my family not for myself & now I'm miserable. Did I make the rite decision? The Answer From Me; SIS, Oh I know this story all too well, & I have some questions & insite on your situation. First and foremost it's completely normal to question & second guess your decisions, especially ones of the heart. Weather your brain & heart connect on your decision is another topic. In life we have to make the decisions using both because many times the heart will lead you to do things that the mind knows isn't rational. Love "smdh" you can love people, but sometimes it's best to let them go. Was he good for You Sis? Mentally, Physically? In every & any way that counts to YOu? People many times only see the bad in your relationship, but only you know what goes on behind closed doors & for you to give it up theres something else there. Miss him yes, but when the dust settles remember not only the good when your lonely, but the bad that made you walk away. Sis I know it's easier said than done, but trust me it gets easier. Tribe what words do y'all have for Sis this week??? Say Something...


  1. I believe you should follow your mind before your heart, because the heart would be an emotional response, rather than a rational one.

  2. I believe you should follow your mind before your heart, because the heart would be an emotional response, rather than a rational one.


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