Should I stay in their life?

This week's Problem happens to many families..... Sis: Been in a relationship with my dude for several years and now its over. Well Sis brought a child into the relationship and so did he. Of course over the years the children formed a relationship and so did Sis with her boyfriends daughter. Now that it is over 3-4 years later the question is: Should I stay in the childs life? Sis says No & heres her reasoning. Why keep attachments and build a false sense of security. She said its easier for everyone to just walk away. Well from my side: I kind of understood where she was coming from after we spoke some more, because it makes it a bit compelex in future relationships when you do not make a clean break. Keeping a connection & attachment to your ex is always hard to explain and also makes it hard to truly get over them. Also it keeps a relationship or the possibility for a relationship to rekindle when your in contact. When children are involved this could confuse them. I am undecided when it comes to this issue because i do not think that there is a black and white textbook answer. Different situations call for different responses and it all depends on the relationship and geniune bond that has been formed with the child/children. Children are delicate and impresionable so please consider them when making these decisions because abandoment is definatly something that may negetivly rest with them. Tribe: What are your thoughts, hopes, prayers, wishes for Sis?.............


  1. Shout out to sis for being a continuous role model for the child, however I do agree that having relationships that were results of your ex is controversial.

    1. Sis is definitely a real one lol, because it seems your answer has been the consensus Sis!


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