Do YOu Believe in Santa Claus??

So this week’s question came from a couple of Parents that wanted other Real Girl opinions on the age-old question that kids ask. DO you believe in Santa? Is he real? Why are Y’all buying gifts? Well although I had the same question posed in different ways I choose this one Sis wrote: Asking this question because of course the Holiday season is upon us and children tend to age in and out of the belief of Santa. Her question and concern came because she has a teen and a 6-year-old. Of course, at this point the teen has given up the idea of Santa coming down the chimney, gracing the entire world with his presence all in one night, and giving all of the little children their desired gift. She sees her Mom as a single parent, shopping and grinding for the gifts that her kids not only need but also for the ones that they want. So the other day when her six-year-old asked if Santa was real? The 13-year-old quickly rushed to answer “No”. Don’t you see Mommy buying, wrapping, and hiding all of these gifts? Mom was upset with her thirteen-year-old for ruining Christmas and the innocence of her six-year old. In her opinion she wanted her to hold onto it for as long as possible. With whatever fantasies she saw as real. It was fine with Mom & she was going to play along. But now Santa is gone & the baby girl has so many questions. Her entire existence is in question. What else has Mom been lying about? My Opinion: I completely understand where Mom is coming from. Because with the way the world is today we do want to keep the innocence & purity of our child’s minds sheltered & protected for as long as we possibly can. My daughter is eight & there’s something about watching her get excited about Santa. Whether she still fully believes or not, I as her Mother go out of my way to keep her in that childlike protected space. I do speak to my sixteen-year-old about keeping his opinions to himself because he’s a boy and ready to spill the beans about Old Saint Nick. Mom doesn’t fret your baby girl will still be the same innocent little princess with or without the notion of Saint Nick. What Say You Sis? Give your opinions to Sis, give her different opinions, options, & points of view.


  1. I believe that Santa should be celebrated as i makes the Christmas spirit but, allow children to learn the importance of value at the same time because nothing in this world is free.


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