The Art Of Savoring...

Have you ever heard of Savoring?? Do you remember being a kid & being so focused on each thing you did? Everything had your full attention, each cartoon, each toy, each happy meal as if it was the best thing ever? Savoring is defined; To appreciate fully; enjoy or relish: I want to savor this moment of accomplishment. Well, The Art of Savoring is currently being used by mental health & wellness professionals as a technique to improve your wellbeing. SAVORING = the act of stepping outside of an experience to review and appreciate it. As adults, we spend so much time running. Our day-to-day lives have become so complex & inundated with the hustle and bustle of just getting things done. We so often go to the next thing, & don't take the time to stop & smell the roses per-say. We barely enjoy a meal or a precious moment anymore. The challenge is to put the art of Savoring into practice & start forming a habit to increase your happiness. Phycologists say that habits are formed in 21 days. So, is the theory accurate and should you believe it? It has been documented that after 21 days of working on a habit, it will become embedded in your daily routine without ever having to worry about it again. A study in the European Journal of Social Psychology analyzed the habits of 96 people over 12 weeks. On average, it is said that a habit takes around 2 months to become automatic behavior. So what is this Art of Savoring? & How does it work? Over the last four weeks, I've been intentional about putting Savoring to the test. I will say that at first, it was a bit difficult, but as time passed I realized that I loved it & it has changed my wellbeing for the better. The practice helps you to stay in the now & enjoy it. Not skip ahead in your mind to all of the "Things" that come next. Is this making you happy Now? Well, enjoy this meal, this walk, this conversation. Take a picture even, so you can look back at it later when you are stressed & appreciate the moment of peace you had. MIND-WANDERING is a shift in the contents of thought away from an ongoing task and/or from events in the external environment to self-generated thoughts and feelings. Learning Savoring helps keep you focused on your task. This also can help you to be more productive as you handle one task at a time there's no room for the feeling of being overwhelmed. So Who's ready to try to be calm & peaceful & Savor each moment that you are blessed with? Please feel free to share, comment, and or post any ahhhh haaaa moments that you had. I would love to hear if this worked for you...


  1. Amazing post! I will try savoring the moment this week and reflect!


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