Do YOu have a New Year Resolution or Evolution

What’s your New Years Resolution? The question that everyone seems to ask around this time of year. Every year people all around the world set these Resolutions with high hopes and expectations of filling them, but most of us abandon them before the first quarter of the year. By halftime, all is forgotten. I researched the top 10 New Years Resolutions and found the following: *Exercise more *Lose weight *Get organized *Learn a new skill or hobby *Live life to the fullest *Save more money / spend less money *Quit smoking *Spend more time with family and friends *Travel more *Read more Well, we all have had one or more of these statistics on our goals list sometime in the past. The other day I heard a twist on the age-old question. It really made me think because Year after year we make these New Year/New me promises that last just as long as a stick of gum. Well, this year let’s try to be realistic & intentional. Having better expectations, in the beginning, will lead to a more successful result in the end. First off let us understand the difference between a Resolution & an Evolution. A Resolution is a firm decision to do or not to do something. Vs. an Evolution is the change in the characteristics of a species over several generations and relies on the process of natural selection. So in now knowing the difference what are you making this year? Is your goal something that can actually be accomplished in 2022? Or will it take time to Evolve? Is it going to be a process? Sis why stress yourself out with more pressure set yourself up for disappointment. If you know that some of these things cannot be accomplished within this years time. Goal setting involves the development of an action plan designed in order to motivate and guide a person or group toward a goal. Goals are more deliberate than desires and momentary intentions. Therefore, setting goals means that a person has committed thought, emotion, and behavior towards attaining the goal. In doing so, the goal setter has established a desired future state which differs from their current state thus creating a mismatch which in turn spurs future actions. So with all of that being said What say YOu Sis Resolution or Evolution of your Goals this year???


  1. Love this! While I understand why people are so inclined to make changes, at the beginning of the year, that mindset can be very limiting. In reality we should be ready to adjust, mentally shift, change, start, or stop thoughts, habits, and behaviors that are/are not serving at any point in the year…Not just on the 1st of January. The reason why so many resolutions are not fulfilled is because we should live a lifestyle of adaptation. There is no magic on Jan 1st that can see you through to your goals if you’re not already inclined to EVOLVING & adjusting. See who you want to be and make the necessary adjustments to get there.


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