Is Blood Thicker Than Water???

Sis said: I have a serious question, Sis. Do you or your readers truly believe the phrase blood is thicker than water? The reason I ask is that although I have a huge family, I feel alone out here in these streets. I mean if it wasn't for my couple of day one's. Whenever I or my kids are in need I can only depend on a couple of friends that stick their necks out for me more than my family ever would. A situation happened this week, that made me look at my family differently, but it made me look at my A-1's like, you'll are my true & only family. It just makes me sad. I look at other families & I do see some that will go out of their way, through thick and thin, but not mines. Sis, am I wrong for my way of thinking? RGP Answer; Sis, I would never say that you were wrong for your way of thinking. Now although the origination of this proverb was meant to say that "Our loyalty to our family — that is, to our blood relations — is strong no matter how we may feel about them." Only you know the innermost workings of your family dynamic. What I will say is statistically speaking your rite. Many times a stranger will go out of their way for you quicker than a family member. Now there may be many reasons why; history, maybe a contributing factor. Although, this may not have anything to do with the situation at hand. It's hard many times for the family to separate. Whereas a stranger doesn't have a point of reference to judge you on. That may be a good thing in your time of need. People change daily, but many times our families hold our past sins and transgressions against us. It may be hurtful at times, like I said sometimes it's history sometimes not. People don't really have to have a reason that you're aware of for the way they treat you. What I will say is valuable and focus on the relationships of the people that value you. Don't take them for granted, many times we are so focused on the ones who aren't there that we neglect the ones that are. Life is short Sis if there is past history or behavior that has left a negative taste in your family's mind or heart. Make a genuine mense with them & make peace with yourself at the end of the day that all you can do Sis. Every day take steps to be a better YOu... Hey Tribe; What say YOu???


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