My Family Is Sooooo Full Of Drama....

Sis, Do What YOu Got To Do! Sis; Hey Sis, I need YOu & the tribe. My family is soooooooo overwhelming, they are filled with drama, gossip, & just pure foolishness. The older I get & now that I have children I just desire better, I guess it's wanting more for myself & my kids. It's just that I'm trying to be different & break all of the generational curses that have plagued our family for centuries. To write a new, more positive story for my kids than the one that was given to me. Am I wrong & how do I go about separating from my messy a** family? RGP Answer: Well this is defiantly an issue that many people deal with. So Sis you are Not an exception & YOu are Not wrong. I would never say that YOu were for feeling the way that YOu do. For each question I get, I tend to look up the technical or psychological/googles answer lol before I give my own opinion. So here it is; 5 Signs It's Time to cut off Your Toxic Family: 1. When your family’s treatment is severely impacting you. 2. When there is nothing positive to be gained from the relationship. 3. When you become aware that you’ve been abused. 4. When you realize the family is not a sacred institution. 5. When you state your case and it’s not heard. Well along with the reasons that you previously stated & the five that I just listed I completely agree in separating from toxic family & or friends. I believe that there is a season & reason for everyone in your life & when that season is up you should separate. If someone or something no longer brings you peace there’s no reason to continue to engage. Also when you have children you start to reevaluate things in your life differently. Things that maybe we didn't want or couldn't see for ourselves now we want to create for them. The motivation is there to raise them in this world that we never had. So create that positive & peaceful environment for your children. Not that everything will be perfect, not that you'll get everything rite the first time, but the fact that you’re trying is the important. The fact that you want to show them that there’s more to life than negativity speaks volumes. I've always said that being a parent doesn't come with a handbook, but you take the good and the bad that you’ve experienced as a child to make up your book & this is what you use with your children. So if your book tells you to separate you & your kids, to rewrite new more positive chapters do so Sis. Only YOu can change the ending of their story... What advice do you'll have Tribe?? Give Sis some tips & tricks to navigate these Real Girl Problemz!


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