How Do I Protect My Kid's & Still Let Them Live??

Well, this week hits home & hits hard for ALL Real Girlz & to tell the truth Real Guyz also! I've sat on this topic for a couple of weeks, but over the weeks I had to add to my answer due to several trending topics that have hit the national news media. In reference to keeping our children safe. Literally within a couple of weeks, these are a few of the Nationally televised trending topics concerning our youth. * 21-Year-Old Denied Bail in Car Crash that Killed 2 State Troopers and Pedestrian * Teen who fell to his death at Florida amusement park was turned away from two other rides * Student was victim of sextortion hours before suicide * Two cousins, 12 and 14, killed while playing with gun on Instagram Live * St. Louis police identify 12-year-old killed by brother * Uncle arrested, charged with killing 4-year-old girl; family says it was an accident * Police: Teen charged with murder for role in Ocala food store shooting, gunman still absconding * A boy was shot in the head in the parking lot after a fight inside the skating rink.
Originally the question came from a mother, just A Real Girl with a general question for moms out there on just protecting her kids a preteen & a teenager without being too strict. She has major anxiety about all of the dangers seen and unseen outside her front door. At this point, she's paranoid to let her kids out of her sight, but as a mother, she knows that she has to let them live. She just wanted to know how other parents manage the day-to-day without being overbearing on their kids or running themselves crazy?
RGP Answer: You have to make sure you have open & honest conversations with your children about everything. As a Mom, I know there are too many seen and unseen dangers out there nowadays & the only way to protect our children is to guard them. Be as candid as you can, let them ask you questions & you ask them questions also. That is the only way to keep them safe. It scares me when I look at the things that children are up against these days because they were things that we never had to think about, but this is their reality so we have to guard them with all of the tools possible. For them to navigate their normal day to day activities, but also for the variables like Covid, bullies, sex traffickers, predators, thieves, robbers, drunk drivers, drugs, alcohol, gangs, online predators, murders, just all the negativity in the world, social settings & now even the simple things like carnival rides with their friends. Sadly, we have to have instill wisdom, judgment, morals, & discernment in our youth that sometimes seems like a burden, but better safe than sorry & from all of the things I’ve witnessed this week Sis your kids aren’t even safe in the house nowadays. Yes, it is extremely hard to let your kids leave the house hey sometimes it's hard to leave the house yourself, but you just have to. So find all of the peace, positivity & knowledge to protect yourself & your children with.
1. WHAT IF? What if a person tells you to keep a secret that makes you feel uncomfortable and unsafe? You know: Secrets that make you feel uncomfortable or unsafe should NEVER be kept. Say: I don’t keep secrets. I only keep happy surprises, because they will eventually be told. 2. WHAT IF? What if you feel any of your *Early Warning Signs in any situation? You know: That this is your body letting you know something is not right. Say: No! I don’t want to do that! Action: Tell one of the adults on your *Safety Network straightaway. If they don’t believe you, tell another adult on your Safety Network. Keep on telling until you are believed. 3. WHAT IF? What if someone asks to see or touch your private parts? Or do they ask you to touch their private parts? You know: Your body belongs to you and your private parts are just for you. Other people’s private parts are just for them. Say: No! My private parts are just for me. (Note: Children may not have the voice/power to say, “No!” to a more powerful figure so they need to know it’s okay to go straight to “Action.”) Action: Tell one of the adults on your *Safety Network straightaway. If they don’t believe you, tell another adult on your Safety Network. Keep on telling until you are believed. 4. WHAT IF? What if someone shows you pictures on a smartphone, tablet, or computer of adults, teenagers, or children showing and/or touching their private parts. You know: No one should show you pictures of private parts. This is very wrong. Say: No! Don’t show me those pictures! Kids should never see these kinds of pictures. Action: Tell one of the adults on your *Safety Network straightaway. If they don’t believe you, tell another adult on your Safety Network. Keep on telling until you are believed. 5. WHAT IF? What if someone tells you to play a “fun game” where you both pull down your pants and show each other your private parts? You know: Your body belongs to you and your private parts are just for you. Say: No! My private parts are just for me. Action: Tell one of the adults on your *Safety Network straightaway. If they don’t believe you, tell another adult on your Safety Network. Keep on telling until you are believed. 6. WHAT IF? What if someone asks you (or sends you a message on a smartphone, tablet, or computer) to send them pictures of your private parts? You know: This is very wrong. Say: No! This is wrong. Kids don’t do this. Action: Tell one of the adults on your *Safety Network straightaway. If they don’t believe you, tell another adult on your Safety Network. Keep on telling until you are believed. 7. WHAT IF? What if an adult, an older teenager, or other kids start to make jokes about private parts? You know: No one should ever make jokes about private parts, especially with kids. Say: Stop! You should never joke about private parts with kids. Action: Tell one of the adults on your *Safety Network straightaway. If they don’t believe you, tell another adult on your Safety Network. Keep on telling until you are believed. 8. WHAT IF? What if children are playing around in the toilets (or playground) at school and trying to see other people’s private parts? You know: Everyone’s body belongs to them and kids should not be trying to look at each others’ private parts. Say: Stop! This is wrong. You are not allowed to look at other kids’ private parts.
Reinforce to your child that they can talk to you about anything! NOTHING is off the table. That way, if something is worrying them, they will feel confident to come straight to you. Be their safe person! Note: Encourage your child to get away as quickly as possible if any of these scenarios arise. However, this may not always be practical or safe to do so. It may also depend on the age of the child.
What words do YOu'll have Tribe???


  1. Yas to all
    Of this! You’d be surprised that this info is New info to a lot of parents. This world isn’t the same as when I or we were growing up. Conversations have to happen so much earlier now.

    1. Yes Sis, it is my hope that this helps open some dialogue in some homes. We definitely need that to keep our kids safe.


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