Is it a Matter of Respect or Control????

So this week we have a question from a Sis that made me stop & think a little. My question was: Is it considered a matter of respect or control Sis?? Well, YOu be the judge!
Sis; Hey Girl Hey I have a question/problem/concern sooooo, my man & I have a constant issue about my clothing. I mean I dressed like this when we met, but now all of a sudden it's a problem. I don't think that it's inappropriate or anything, but the constant argument is it may have been ok when I was single, but I'm not anymore so I should definitely adjust my way of thinking. Is this true, is this what you sign up for in a relationship, is this respect in a relationship, or is this control? Please chime in as I am a very independent woman & I'm extremely torn about this. I love my guy, but I also love my individuality & giving it up is concerning, like what's next?
So Sis, I referenced team internet first and there was a wide range of opinions from women & men from all walks of life from women's rights to religious groups so here's are some opinions: * I used to dress up because I was insecure & trying to get attention. "To catch someone" In the early days of our relationship, I felt like I always had to look amazing, otherwise, any other woman could steal my boyfriend right out from under me. I realize now that if that happened, I would’ve been better off without him, but when a relationship is so young and fragile, it’s hard to be logical. I dressed up more because I thought I had to keep his interest rather than because I wanted to. *There's a difference between controlling and caring. If you dress too revealing, you are inviting other men into your life. That's probably how he sees it. My advice is to dress the way you want around the house and maybe even wear less if you two live together. *No. He's just protective. He doesn't want other men looking at your body. Maybe because he sees you as his. I'd say possessive is a better word than controlling. You're gonna have to determine the difference. Protective suggests he acts that way because he REALLY cares about you, possessive implies he acts that way because he sees you more as a trophy. I suggest sitting down and talking to him about it. *No, he is not controlling. He only spoke his mind, and in a relationship, a person should be able to speak his mind and be honest. Maybe, he only stated the obvious. Maybe, he wants to be protective and doesn't want other people to look at your beauty. What is the point of dressing in such a way if your boyfriend doesn't like it? I mean we usually dress to impress our partner, and when the partner doesn't like it what is the point? Would you be happier if you had a boyfriend who expected you to wear revealing clothes and look provocative to keep him interested in you? That would have been lust rather than love. If he wants you to be simple and doesn't expect you to look bold, sexy, and hot then you are a very lucky girl. There is a quote, "if a guy loves you he shouldn't feel the need to open your shirt buttons to get a better view of your heart." In other words, he should not feel the need for a girl to wear revealing clothes to get a better view of her soul, personality, and inner beauty and to love her more. Perhaps, he wants to be the only person who gets to see your beauty. It makes more sense for a partner to see your beauty whom you have a relationship with rather than strangers, who don't know you. It would have been okay if you were single but certain things have to change when we are in a relationship because then it is not just about you, your likes and dislikes. The decision depends on you- you can change your ways to make your boyfriend feel happy. If you do so, he may end up having more respect for you that you cared about his feelings and he will appreciate it. Or you can have the attitude- "take it or leave, accept me the way I am, or break up with me."
RGP Answer; Well, Sis, I have some experience in this it's hard to find a happy medium when trying to learn a new partner, but my question is always about tone and countenance. Because you can say pretty much anything to me, but it's how you say it. So how did your partner bring these concerns to you? Was it in love & concern or was it in a controlling and lecturing tone? This helps me to see where my partner is coming from. That way I can see where the conversation is going. In every relationship changes and concessions have to be made, but only if we are comfortable with them and see that those are things that need to be changed to better ourselves. I always say if you buy a car and you change so many parts that the car becomes unrecognizable you should have just bought the car that you wanted. I feel the same way about a partner. Don't get with someone & try to change them into someone that they are Not. Find someone more like the person you want.
Real Girl Problemz Tribe; What advice, quotes, affirmations, scriptures, views, or words do YOu'll have for Sis please share????


  1. The truth is the truth wether it comes in a nice way or direct. People today want to control how messages are given. At work, if your boss is having a bad day and barks an assignment at you to complete. That assignment will be completed. At home, the message has to be sweet and package pretty to receive it or it gets tossed. Look, if your wife knows certain friends of yours have the potential to get you into unhealthy situations, whether nice or not, if she breaks down her reasoning wth proof and facts to back it, but because she was not sweet with it you won't consider the value of the message not the messenger, then there's definitely a problem there. She is there to watch your back from the things you can not see in this world. And vice versa. Get out your feelings, look at the message, and if there's truth to it, humble yourself to the message not the messenger.

    1. The issue is there is a big difference in-between at work & at home Anonymous. Your not in a relationship with your boss so things do not need to be handled the same way. If you were to handle your relationship in that manner you handled you job it would be cold, callus & transitional therefore the feeling about your dress probably wouldn't exist. So there is defiantly a need for respect, tone, & countenance in dealing with someone that you love & have an intimate relationship with.

  2. Some men like their ladies showing off.

    Now I see through your article that could mean an ego pride thing for the man. Like "yeah, look what I got".

    Some men, possessive and controlling. Which is insecurities.

    Other men, don't want the world seeing their wives because it's out of respect for her. A man don't respect, as a lady or wife, a woman that flaunts or shows her body off. They don't. They may still even marry that torphey piece. But it's not to honor, protect, lead, teach, respect her. It's about him.

    Deeper men:
    See the lustful, demonic, sexual attraction through eyes and body and physical form and he wants to protect their home from the spirits that enter your home through these ways.
    That's why a deeper man would want his wife to be on a level to where she sees the enemies plots and she makes the decision on her own because spiritually, she knows better.


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