It's Not YOur Fault!

With May being Mental health awareness month I decided to do a blog on something near & dear to me "GUILT". All of us have or have had guilt about something at one time or another, but as I spoke to a friend today I realized that sometimes you must say "It's Not Your Fault!" & let it go! This is the only way to move on & live a happy and healthy life.
Each year millions of Americans face the reality of living with a mental illness. Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, and act. It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make choices. Mental health is important at every stage of life, from childhood and adolescence through adulthood.
Today I spoke to a good friend about young women being violated, we spoke about me teaching my daughter how to carry herself as a young lady, but ultimately if she was violated in any way she needed to understand that. "It was Not her Fault!". The responsibility was strickly on the violator. We need not blame ourselves for the bad choices of others. If no one has told YOu Sis hear me today there are things that we hold on to that may anchor us down & sometimes we don't even realize it.
Be free today! Read these & then make your list & forgive yourself Today! That divorce; "It's not your fault!" as a child your parents weren't compatible maybe, or there are a thousand other reasons that have nothing to do with YOu, trust me. That divorce as an adult; "It's not your fault!" Sis, y'all weren't evenly yolked. That failed relationship; "It's not your fault!" you weren't ready or maybe they weren't. That rape; "It's not your fault!" that person was ill/disturbed, and took advantage of you. That abuse; "It's not your fault!" the person was damaged. That miscarriage; "It's not your fault!". the baby was meant to protect you from above. That car accident; "It's not your fault!" everything happens for a reason. That neglect; "It's not your fault!" they didn't know how to love you the correct way. That failed business; "It's not your fault!" it wasn't the right time/season. The things you took; "It's not your fault!" forgive yourself. That person you slept with; "It's not your fault!" The destructive behavior; "It's not your fault!" learn from your mistakes and use those mistakes to grow. The saying yes all the time; "It's not your fault!" start saying no when needed. The negative self-talk; "It's not your fault!" practice speaking to yourself as positive as you speak to others.
Let's learn how to forgive ourselves & let things go. That is the only way to be Mentally healthy. Your mental health is extremely important! Steps to Forgiveness; 1. Talk about it. When it comes to the past, silence can be deadly. So stop pretending. Free yourself from the bondage of holding it all in and talk about what’s tearing you apart inside. Express the emotions you feel to a counselor, mentor, or friend you can trust. Forgiveness starts with being honest and vulnerable about who you are… the good and the bad. So say what you need to say. 2. Be honest with yourself. We tend to think, “If I just pretend it never happened, maybe it will all go away.” Sounds nice… but it isn’t true. Choose to break out of denial and be proactive. Be honest about how you’ve messed up and the consequences of your behavior. Journal out the specific behaviors and actions that are causing you angst. 3. Accept it for what it is. As an imperfect person, you will make mistakes in life. Face it. You will hurt people sometimes. You will have regrets. It’s part of living in a less-than-perfect world. But you have a choice. Either your past will keep you in a rut of guilt and shame or you will accept it for what it is and experience the freedom to move on and enjoy the now. Self-acceptance is critical to your emotional health, so don’t miss out! 4. Let go. Don’t hold on to guilt. You don’t need to justify your past actions or try to prove yourself. Letting go of the past means burying it and giving up your right to engage in self-condemnation. Forgiveness is a choice but also a process. It’s choosing to stop hating yourself or cutting yourself down and start seeing yourself as a valuable human being.
What advice do you'll have Tribe?? Give Sis some tips & tricks to navigate these Real Girl Problemz!


  1. As a person who is at the end of the stick where I'd say I'm not a victim. But I've created victims.In the way I handled my kids. The worthless ways I've displayed pain, and called it love. I live in a state of self blame, but I still haven't completely changed. There's been some headway but in not where I want to be and where my loved ones NEED me to be. I'm accepting the process. Celebrating the victories. And continuing to work out the guilt of it all. Great story.


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