Do YOu choose YOur dirt????

Hey, Sis Hey I have a question do you believe in Karma? I know it may seem like a weird question, but do you think that some things happen to us by chance or choice or do you think that we pay for our sins or maybe someone else’s? 🔥 Sis, you got me coming back on a good one lol because I have a lot to say on this one & Tribe I need y’all to have your way & have your say also. So please speak your mind Sis needs all of us that’s the point of the tribe different people from different walks of life sharing respectful opinions to help, support, & grow the Sisterhood. So let’s do that. It’s still my hope, focus, goal, objective & dream.
RGP Opinion: So here I go; Well Sis Karma itself is spoken about by people who don’t even truly understand or believe in it, but in the Hindu & Buddhist religions it’s biblical. Making it a pillar of their spiritual concept.
Karma is a word meaning the result of a person's actions as well as the actions themselves. It is a term about the cycle of cause and effect. According to the theory of Karma, what happens to a person, happens because they caused it with their actions. Typically, the word is just thrown around in the day-to-day. Meaning that if you do something bad, your actions will catch up with you.
Another term used is generational curses. The fact that your family may have done something wrong and those curses will fall on you & or your generation. Many of these things are only in effect in our lives due to the power that we give them in believing in it & giving them light. So Sis, I go hiking & the other day I was listening to a podcast as I walked about intentions. So I started paying attention to the sounds of the birds, the way the breeze moved the leaves on the trees, waterfalls crashing on the rocks, & streams, & what I noticed was the streams. What I noticed was why were some of them clean and some dirty. Did they choose to pick up the dirt as they traveled across those rocks? Why? Why would they? Why do we? Why would we choose to leave certain situations/relationships clean & clear, but others totally destroyed, a dirty disaster?
So to your question, Sis, do we choose the crosses that we drag, or was our book originally written ahead of time for us? I think we are meant to have certain roadblocks in our lives & no matter how many pages we try to skip your book was written in order Just for you so YOu must go through it no matter what!
It’s funny that I’ve had these same questions just recently over a week ago as I’ve taken some time from blogging to recharge and focus on my own mental health. Keep me in YOur thoughts also Real Girls as we all have Problemz!!!!!


  1. Hmmm… this is a good one. And one I think we’ve all wrestled with.
    I think the answer is a little of both.

    The Bible says that God knows the plans he has for us plans to prosper us and not to harm us(Jeremiah 29:11). This scripture tells us that certain things are pre-planned but it also infers that we have a part to play in whether those plans come to floursishian or not.

    While, I believe there are things that we are meant to go through, both good and bad. I also know that the decisions we make may cause us to go round and around the same mountain unnecessarily. Or that some things that we perceive as generational curses may just be generational patterns. Ex: You are in a familiar situations as our parents and grandparents because may be emulating similar actions which is achieving similar results.

    I think it’s important to give emphasis to both providence & freedom of choice because if we say everything’s just meant to be, it’s easy to relieve ourselves of responsibility for some of the situation we find ourselves in. It’s also not fun to feel stuck or think that no matter what you do you will never be able to change your outcome or destiny because everything is preplanned.

    We have the ability to break free from dysfunctional cycles! I love the pic you posted “ Karma Says If you focus on hurt, you will continue
    to sufler. If you focus on the lesson, you will continue
    to grow.”
    We have to learn from our mistakes not beat ourselves up over them. Instead ask yourself the question “What can I learn & take away from this situation?”

    For every obstacle we incur there’s a lesson to be learned. We usually continue going around the mountain when we don’t take the time to debrief and figure out what that purpose of that obstacle was.

    1. I love that comment & the analogy about going around the mountain, because sometimes that’s exactly what we feel like we are doing in life. Also we don’t take the time to debrief which is the most important part of the process. If we don’t do that then how can we process what happened out loud to prevent the cycle from repeating itself.

    2. I had to ask myself that same question because I have other beliefs then just Karma. I do to believe we go through things in life the way God suppose it to go such as trials and tribulations. I also feel like karma is basically like you reep what you sow in a way through The most High’s doing. You get what you give no matter if it’s good or bad that doesn’t necessarily determine your life because it’s already going down a pathway, but when certain situations occur which we believe is a test from God, could have some effect on your life. It may not take place instantly if you do something bad or good during your test . Some go through life everyday trying to do the best or thinking they doing everything right to reciprocate that same Good positive energy but the outcome comes out different and they get the complete opposite. Is it Karma? Has it caught up to them? Is it a Generational Curse? I see it as trials and tribulations and how you continue to handle it. You choose your dirt with your negative actions like say you rob a bank and get caught and spend part of your life in jail, you choose your own dirt. If you go through life and bad stuff occurs when you do good it’s not considered karma I don’t believe. It’s life ups and downs and God’s doing to seek us through. Its our doing physically and intellectually to handle it. I was using the term karma so freely but I realized it’s much deeper than that reaching to my personal believes not a Hindu or Buddist religion.

    3. Well said, you hit on many great points & I could have went on and on with this piece. In society we all use terms & things so freely not recognizing the origin or origination, such as then term Karma. A slang to some, but a completely religious belief to others. This research was very eye opening to say the least! ~RGP~


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