Girl, he a full on NARCISSIST!!!!!!!!

Sis, So I've been dating a dude for a while now & our relationship just could Never be rite. Sis, there was always some type of drama & it was Never his fault. The lies, the jealousy, the cheating, the different levels of abuse, but Nothing was "EVER" his fault. Somehow if I did things differently our relationship would be better. I believe that for so long, but finally when I decided to stop drinking the Kool-Aid and I decided to break up with him I'm now stuck with a stalker?
Ohhhhhhhhhhhh Realz, THIS one is going to be good!
Well Saith the World Wide Web; A nar•cis •sist nar:cis-sist | 'närsasast | noun a person who has an excessive interest in or admiration of themselves: narcissists who think the world revolves around them narcissists preening themselves in front of the mirror.
11 Signs of a Narcissistic Relationship & How to Cope:
1. They Where Once Incredibly Charming When you first met them, they seemed like the perfect partner. They were sociable, kind, generous, and very affectionate. They would go out of their way to show you how they feel and show you they care about you and treat you like a prince or princess (a classic sign of love bombing). They kept this up until you started to trust their intentions were pure and you were on the same page. Over time, this charming attitude goes out the window and they begin to devalue you. This begins the cycle of narcissistic abuse followed by attempts to keep you in their life, so you can continue to feed their narcissist supply. 2. They Make Every Conversation About Them The topic of conversation is always redirected toward their life and experiences, and the narcissist may say phrases like “you’re just insecure.” They will often interrupt you in order to bring the attention back to themselves with comments about an incident in their past or an accomplishment of theirs. If your opinion differs from theirs, they might correct you, dismiss you, or simply ignore you. 3. They Expect Preferential Treatment Narcissists feel entitled to special privileges. For example, they may hop to the front of a line to get seated immediately at a restaurant, even if others are waiting. When this sense of entitlement is refused by others, the narcissist might become angry, critical, or react with narcissistic rage. Alternatively, they might retreat into silence and withdrawal. 4. They Act Like They Are More Important Than Others A narcissistic partner will brag about their own accomplishments or skills without recognizing the talents or achievements of others. They appear to be convinced of their own grandiosity, a behavior commonly seen with grandiose narcissism. 5. They Feed Off of Compliments From You & Others We all like to receive compliments, and there is nothing wrong with that. However, narcissists feed off this external validation. Compliments boost their ego to such a degree that it validates the grandiose sense of self that they have. If they are constantly looking for praise from you or others when you are out in public, and they are relying on that, it’s likely that the narcissist is looking for supply. 6. They Show Little Concern For Your Feelings Narcissists are preoccupied with their own feelings and needs, seem cold and detached when they need emotional support and have difficulty making a sincere apology and accepting responsibility for any harm they cause. This can leave you feeling entirely alone and dissatisfied in the relationship. 7. They Are Focused on Superficial Matters Narcissists prioritize their own appearance, beauty, and social status. They put a lot of effort into their own appearance and criticize any perceived flaws in other people, including you. You may be expected to meet their standards of perfection because they see you as an extension of themself. However, it’s important to remember that criticism in a relationship is never healthy and should not be tolerated. 8. They Have Few (If Any) Friends Narcissists have a hard time keeping friends because of the one-sided relationship that comes with the territory of NPD. If they have long-time friends, it may be that those friends are empaths and utilize people-pleasing to feel good about themselves. If you find that your partner fits this description perfectly, it could be indicative of narcissism. It’s important to note that situations such as friends moving away or being in different life stages don’t mean that someone is narcissistic. Friendship takes effort from both people, so the qualities that make a friendship work must be reciprocated. 9. They Are Charming When It Suits Their Needs A narcissistic partner will be capable of superficial charm and appear to be extremely confident. However, this engaging social manner can quickly change as they experience a narcissistic injury after being slighted or dismissed by others. 10. They Are Extremely Sensitive to Criticism They respond to constructive criticism with heated arguments or sudden detachment. A common response is to judge, criticize, or gaslight you, blaming you for the problem or offense that you brought to their attention. 11. They Often Manipulate Others
They use others to meet their own needs or to fulfill their own dreams. At times, this involves portraying themselves as a victim of unfair circumstances. This is done in an attempt to persuade you or guilt you into doing something that is not in your best interest but does serve their needs.
People throw around the term loosely to describe those who are self-absorbed, entitled, and manipulative – from overbearing parents to destructive exes. But narcissism is a complex phenomenon that is often misunderstood and oversimplified.
Narcissists can be controlling and intolerant while refusing to acknowledge wrongdoings. Instead, they'll use an array of manipulative strategies to escape blame and perpetuate abuse. Sometimes, they'll "gaslight" you into questioning your own feelings and ignoring their red flags. Or they'll use "baiting" to intentionally provoke you when you want to be left alone. Even after the relationship ends, the emotional abuse can continue with tactics like "hoovering."
RGP Answer: Sis, narcissists are special types of people to deal with and I like how you put that when you stop drinking the Kool-Aid because typically when we deal with narcissists and yes, I said we because I definitely have had my share. I think we all have, but when we deal with narcissists, it's like we are under some kind of spell. It's their charm because the ups and downs can really get you and when you're in those low pits you try to hold onto all of the positives wishing on a better day, but when you're in the downs you can't see your way out. Never be with anyone that makes you feel like you're less than and never be with anyone that continues to not see their own wrongdoing. narcissists are classic for being able to make you think that the sky is not blue and the sun won't rise tomorrow, but it will and it does. Be careful and be very mindful. People perish every day due to the hands of narcissists and stalkers tend to want what they can't have. I'm happy that you woke up from that spell you were under. Sis, continue to do things to build yourself up because once you have been torn down for so long, it's kind of hard to recognize yourself anymore. I have added some resources below in reference to how to leave a narcissist. Please feel free to educate yourself knowledge is wealth Sis.
What Say YOu Realzzzzzzzz????
