Sis, Is It My Fault or His???

It's A Bangga LOL oH yES It is!
Sis, Please Help me! So my Husband is a lot, but I know how to deal with him so sometimes I just back down & let him have it especially when he's been drinking. Well, the other night my girl was over for his birthday & we were drinking, my husband had been drinking All day long so I knew that he was on one. We got into a disagreement and he was being a bit much so I just stopped talking to de-escalate things, but my girl is a little tipsy herself and kept arguing with him. At this point, she's in his face getting loud, hands moving & all. He's getting louder, things are escalating by the minute, & he grabs her hands. After both of them gave each other warnings,1 of him asking her to back up a couple of times & her telling him that he was triggering her. Sis, Who's wrong, my man swears I'm dead wrong for not controlling my girl & she probably thinks I'm wrong for not controlling my man. Am I wrong at all? WTH aren't they both adults?
Well, Sis, you are oh so correct this is a lot! Wow, let me start with Miss. Google; Per her & all her wonderful contributors: This is an important lesson to learn. You shouldn’t tell your friends about the drama between your brother and his wife just like you shouldn’t tell your family about your best friend getting fired. In both situations, you’ve broken the trust of someone you care about. In both situations, you’re gossiping and you show the person you’re talking about that you can’t keep their secrets to yourself. The main exception to this rule when it comes to romantic relationships is obviously if you have been emotionally or physically abused. If your partner is harming you in any way, then it is completely appropriate and necessary to remove yourself from that situation and then tell anyone you’re close to so they can help to protect you going forward. So assuming that there is no abuse in your relationship, if you truly care about this person and want your partnership to last a long time, it’s best if you keep your business between you two. Here are some key reasons why. Your Friends and Family Will Almost Always Be on Your Side You may love him, but they only love you.
A List Of 12 Things YOu should Never share with your Friends. *Details of your last fight* *The nitty-gritty of your sex life* *Something he’s told you confidentially* *That awful present he bought you* *When your in-laws annoy you* *Money issues* *His insecurities or embarrassing habits* *That one of you cheated* *His dislike for one or some of your pals* *Anything your partner doesn’t know* *Private correspondence between the two of you* *His past relationship failures*
Now here's My Humble Opinion Sis, It took me a while to realize that I was only hurting my relationship by sharing our drama with my friends and family. When you decide to be in a relationship, you’ve committed to this person. You have chosen to do life together and hopefully grow as a partnership. Your romantic relationship should have boundaries just like your friendships and family relations have boundaries. Protect & respect your person, if you don't then why should they? THIS go's for friend's, family, foe's, even when it comes to your kid's Sis. YOu & your person should be a Team. Ya'll against the world, a united front untouchable to everone & everything, unpenitratable. Even if you’re the one who’s in the wrong during a disagreement, most likely, your friends will agree with you. They love and care about you so they are always going to be biased towards you. Having them tell you that you’re right about everything doesn’t help you see where maybe you played a part in causing the argument with your partner. If you can’t admit that you’re wrong, then you can’t move past what went wrong. Now Sis I'm NOT saying you were wrong in the issue as I saw several misstep's on both parts, but in the list of (12) thing's Not to tell your friend's. Let's ask ourselves. Did your girl go into the argument with your husband with any prior baggage against him, any knowledge or bias, any triggers as she said? So was it a clean fight or was he arguing about one issue & she taking a stand for something totally different YOu???
Hey Tribe please Tap in Sis needs more than me & Miss. Google........


  1. Anytime that much alcohol is involved, rationality and clarity is nonexistent.


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