~I Was Led To Call YoU Back~

Hey Realz & Happy New Year! As last year came to a close & the New Year began it caused me to re-evaluate myself, my purpose, my passions, & my surroundings.
As many know the Holidays bring happiness for many, but a host of other factors, feelings & challenges for others. This year is no different than any other. I work in the hospitality industry and encounter people from so many different walks of life daily & that’s why I love my job, but sometimes you never know where a simple Hello how’s your day or How was your stay will end? Mind you I genuinely ask these questions not just “for the job”, but for the fact that I honestly am interested in the well-being of People.
So again Realz as another year of this Tribe moves on. How are you doing? Are we there for each other? Are we the Tribe and the community that I hoped for?
I read something this morning from a dear Sis: In this season in your life. “Stop overextending yourself to others who do not value you nor respect you. This is the time to speak up, and not allow anyone to play mind games with you. Know your worth. Set the tone now. Your life matters and your mental health, protect yourself. “
Which brings me here today sitting on my flight writing this blog. Because that Facebook status was confirmation as to what my 2024 is about.
A guest was asking about a local place to workout & we started talking about exercising, very lite conversation about why he works out daily for his physical and mental wellbeing. I explained to him that I agreed because I hadn’t had time to workout recently due to my schedule but exercising saved my life. He asked how. I explained that I almost died from Covid & to build my lungs back up I was put on several rounds of steroids which led to massive weight gain and then severe depression and finally thoughts of suicide. I told him my story he even asked if I had pictures of my progress which I shared. I told me about a bad car accident he had that led to him having to physically learn how to navigate life again hence the working out daily and we parted ways. Thirty minutes later my phone rang and a man asked are you the lady that I was speaking with a little while ago, I said yes Sir I am. At that point, he said I was driving down the road and I was led to call you back. Do you have a moment? I said yes; he explained I just wanted to say that I’m happy you didn’t let those suicidal thoughts get the best of you. We found my sister in our garage last Christmas & still up to this day don’t know why she did it. The man began to weep, my family is broken, my mother is dying we all blame ourselves on how and why we didn’t see how low she was. I had to call you to tell you this story because no matter how bad things get the sun will shine tomorrow Sis. I thanked him for sharing & for taking the time to call me back.
Realz No Matter What the sun will rise again tomorrow. Do Not Let anything or anyone get you so low that you can’t remember anything to live to see tomorrow for.
Learn how to live, take time for yourself, learn how to say No, learn how to be selfish, learn how to be bold, learn how to separate yourself from things & people that do not serve you, learn new things in 2024. Ask yourselves REALZ What are YoU going to Learn? Let us know Realz???


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